Experience the Sacramento Area Nightlife without Killing Your Diet

What you eat can play a huge role in how healthy your body is. Not surprisingly, the Boston Medical Center says that about 45 million Americans go on a diet each year in an effort to shed excess weight.

Of course, sticking to a diet requires a lot of willpower and discipline, and, unfortunately, your well-laid eating plans may be derailed when your friends or colleagues invite you to dine at one of the many restaurants in Sacramento. But don’t decline the invitation just yet – there are things you can do to make dining out a healthier experience:

Choose Your Restaurant Carefully
Research local eateries and see which of them offer diet-friendly menus. For instance, Mikuni Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar has a Karui menu which features healthy dishes that are all 500 calories or less. By carefully choosing Sacramento restaurants to visit, you can enjoy scrumptious food without sacrificing your diet.

As You Like It
If the choice of restaurant is not yours to make, Reader’s Digest says that you can ask servers to prepare your food in a healthier manner:

Dining out is no time to be a meek consumer, notes Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and coauthor of the book Restaurant Confidential. “You need to be an assertive consumer by asking for changes on the menu,” he says. For instance, if an item is fried, ask for it grilled. If it comes with french fries, ask for a side of veggies instead. Ask for a smaller portion of the meat and a larger portion of the salad; for salad instead of coleslaw; baked potato instead of fried. “Just assume you can have the food prepared the way you want it,” says Dr. Jacobson. “Very often, the restaurant will cooperate.”

Pace Yourself
According to experts, it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re already full. If you feel like the meal you ordered didn’t quite hit the spot, don’t order seconds right away – give your tummy a chance to send its “satiation signal” first.

So Long, Sodas
You may be watching what you eat, but are you also watching what you drink? Consider this: A single can of cola has about 139 calories, or about 7% of your daily caloric needs. Keep this in mind the next time you eat out, and just go with water.

(Source: 20 Tricks to Eating Healthy While Eating Out, Reader’s Digest)

One of the Leading Restaurants in Sacramento Offers a Gluten-Free Menu

After a long week at the office, one of the best ways to unwind is by dining out with your colleagues at renowned restaurants in Sacramento. However, some of your co-workers won’t just be scanning the menu for the food; they’ll also be on the lookout for ingredients that contain gluten.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale, which helps food made from these grains maintain their shape. Unfortunately, some people suffer from celiac disease, which causes them to experience adverse reactions to gluten. This article from the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness’ website offers an overview of this condition:

Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. What does this mean? Essentially the body is attacking itself every time a person with celiac consumes gluten.

Celiac disease is triggered by consumption of the protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the finger-like villi of the small intestine. When the villi become damaged, the body is unable to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream, which can lead to malnourishment.

Aside from malnutrition, celiac disease can also cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, constipation, headaches, and fatigue. Left untreated, it can lead to even more complications, such as the development of osteoporosis, thyroid disease, and other autoimmune diseases.

As such, dining out often causes more dread than pleasure for celiac sufferers as they might inadvertently consume gluten. They might also find themselves going to a restaurant with friends, only to find that there are no gluten-free items they can order.

Fortunately, leading Sacramento restaurants like Mikuni Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar have created special gluten-free menus just for these diners. They can feast on items like sashimi or a variety of healthy and gluten-free sushi rolls. Other options include items like pickled cucumber salad, and teriyaki dishes made with gluten-free sauce.

According to Harvard University, as many as two million Americans have celiac disease, though only about 300,000 of them have been diagnosed conclusively with it. With so many people suffering from celiac disease, it’s reassuring to know that restaurants have begun modifying their menus to accommodate people with this condition.


(Source: CELIAC DISEASE, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness)

Restaurants in Sacramento: A Celebration of Japanese Food and Culture

Japanese food and culture are frequently celebrated in California, and nowhere is this fact more apparent than at the summertime festivals held throughout the state. USA Today, for instance, discusses the highly anticipated events like the Nihonmachi Street Fair in San Francisco (August 2, 2014) and the Nisei Week Japanese Festival in Los Angeles (August 9-10 and 16, 2014). Sacramento residents and visitors also take part in the annual Japanese Food and Cultural Bazaar held every August.

Aside from taking part in these festivities, Japanese food lovers can also grab a bite at Zagat-rated restaurants in Sacramento—like Mikuni Sushi—that offer traditional dishes from the Land of the Rising Sun, as well as Western-inspired variations. This is also a good opportunity to enjoy other mouthwatering Japanese culinary gems like sashimi (raw fish) and onigiri (rice balls wrapped in seaweed).

Teriyaki, in particular, is quite notable because of its special sauce, which has had various incarnations and iterations since it was first introduced in the West. The main ingredients are sugar, ginger, sake, and soy sauce, although various recipes have since given their own twist to this standard formula. Traditionally, teriyaki dishes consist of fish marinated in sauce that is either broiled or grilled to perfection. In the West, the term loosely applies to anything marinated in teriyaki sauce, be it hamburger steaks, squid, or even lamb, though it is most commonly used with grilled chicken.

During Nisei Week, festivalgoers had many opportunities to enjoy these dishes with friends. The first day lasted from 9AM to 7PM, with a parade taking place the day after. Fortunately, those who missed the opportunity to dine out at these festivals can still get their Japanese food fix at top Sacramento restaurants like Mikuni Sushi that host their own summertime events, like the 20thAnnual Mikuni Summer Golf Classic in August 2015.

Regardless of how one plans to celebrate the summer, it is always a good thing to keep up a festive spirit. Japanese food lovers should also keep in mind that sushi not the only type of Japanese cuisine worth checking out!

(Source: Summer suppers: Festive street fairs to find, USA Today, July 11, 2014)

Dishes in Japanese Restaurants in Sacramento That Pack a Health Punch

Over the years, scientific studies have been able to identify the healthiest food items, and the ones that could be detrimental to overall health. Sadly, many of the most mouth-watering or interesting food items (think of bacon) fall under the latter category. On the other hand, food items that don’t exactly spark appetites—like broccoli—are labeled as extremely healthy.

Luckily, things are not always as black-and-white as popular opinion dictates. There are a variety of interesting and flavorful foods that pack a legitimate punch in the health department. This is especially true for dishes in Japanese restaurants in Sacramento like Mikuni Sushi. The next time you feel the urge to eat Japanese cuisine and to eat healthy, here are a few suggestions on what to order:


At first glance, eel (a.k.a. unagi) may not be a very appetizing sight. People adventurous enough to try it, though, know that eel provides a unique and succulent flavor, which is why it has become a favorite among Japanese food enthusiasts. According to an article from AskMen.com, eel is one of the healthiest food options around:

As fish, they’re a fantastic source of mega-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain a good amount calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, manganese, zinc and iron. For the carb-conscious, eel does not contain any sugar, is low in sodium and high in phosphorus.

Sea Urchin

Sea urchin (a.k.a. uni) is another dish that doesn’t look very appetizing; that is, until you try it for yourself. It is rich in protein, so much so that it actually makes a good substitute for meat or legumes. Sea urchin also contains Vitamins A and C. The best part of sea urchin? It only carries 34 calories per ounce, making it a great option for those on a diet.

Flying Fish Roe

Flying fish roe (a.k.a. tobiko) is the tiny orange dots that cover California rolls. Most people often see it as an accessory ingredient, but did you know that you can order sushi that has the roe as the primary ingredient?

Since the roe is delicate, it is placed on a special type of roll called a gunkan that looks like a battleship. You can also choose to have a quail egg added to it. Flying fish roe is rich in Vitamins A, D, K2, as well as DHA fatty acids, zinc, and iodine.

One last healthy piece of advice for ordering Japanese dishes in popular Sacramento restaurants: pass up the mayonnaise. Although a generous serving of mayo can complete the taste of sushi, it can easily add unnecessary fat and calories.

Happy eating!


(Source: Junk Foods That Are Actually Healthy; AskMen.com)

Make Happy Hours Happier by Going to Famed Restaurants in Sacramento

After clocking out at work, you may not want to immediately head home. Maybe you want to wind down first after eight long hours of work, or maybe you want to avoid the traffic jam that will surely greet you on the highway. Besides, if the traffic is going to set you back an hour or two, why not spend the time enjoying yourself?

These are but some of the reasons why many people enjoy happy hours after work. Happy hours are great because they allow people not just to relax but to save money as well since many menu items are discounted during this period. Before packing up your briefcase and heading out though, take note of these tips to make your happy hour even happier:

Not Just Bars

Where exactly are you going for happy hour? While most people will head to bars, you should know that popular restaurants in Sacramento offer happy hours as well. Some even have weekend schedules for those who are too busy on weekdays to have a post-work drink.

Order Snacks as Dinner

You already know that happy hours can net you big savings on beverages. However, you can save even more money by ordering snacks as dinner. Sacramento restaurant Mikuni Sushi, for example, offers filling and affordable “dollar bite” items, such as veggie tempura and spicy tuna hand roll. Another perk of turning happy hours into dinnertime? You no longer have to cook dinner when you get home, or do the dishes after eating.

Make it Social

Happy hours are made for socializing, so why not enjoy it with your officemates? As this article from AskMen.com states:

Getting to know Larry from accounting or Louise from sales will not happen during work hours. It also won’t happen at company picnics, parties or team-building exercises. Most employees keep their professional masks on for anything involving their jobs. Account executive Todd’s affinity for The Pixies or vice president Martha’s love for Irish whiskey will never come out by the copy machine. Once you connect with coworkers at happy hour, your job will be more fun because friends surround you, friendly rivalries are built and you’ll learn how to exploit them for your own benefit.

(Source: Top 10: Reasons To Go To Happy Hour, AskMen.com)

First-timers’ Guide to Dining at Japanese Restaurants in Sacramento

To the uninitiated, Japanese cuisine can be a wellspring of delightful surprises. Even casual dining at Japanese restaurants in Sacramento can easily prove to be an exercise in sophistication. The key is to come prepared and have an idea of what one can or ought to order beforehand.

For instance, people who are averse or allergic to certain types of fish would do well to learn a thing or two about the way certain Japanese dishes are prepared. Those who are eager to try new types of sushi in particular may be interested to know that maguro nigiri is sushi made with raw tuna while sake nigiri is made with raw salmon. Ebi nigiri is a bit different, because it is prepared with cooked shrimp meat—a feature that makes this dish especially appealing to pregnant women for whom any type of raw meat or seafood can be harmful.

At any rate, Japanese cuisine is all about using fresh and high-quality ingredients. Cassie Kifer, writer for food and travel blog Ever in Transit, noted that Japanese chefs use minimal seasoning in order to let the flavor of each ingredient shine. She adds that condiments such as wasabi, soy sauce, miso, pickled vegetables, and light dipping sauces are often served on the side to provide contrast and diversity.

Some sushi restaurants on this side of the Pacific often add a whole new twist to Japanese cuisine to come up with something fresh and exciting. For example, hip Sacramento restaurants like Mikuni Sushi serve gluten-free versions of popular Japanese dishes like teriyaki as well as more than a few mouth-watering options for vegetarians.

Meanwhile, people who don’t know how to use chopsticks can certainly ask for familiar utensils when eating at sushi bars or Japanese restaurants. Chopstick users, however, are expected to practice proper dining etiquette, such as not waving or pointing with chopsticks in hand. It is also considered disrespectful for people to pass their food to someone else using chopsticks, as this gesture holds certain similarities with Japanese funeral rituals. When getting food from a shared plate, it is customary to use the blunt end of one’s chopsticks.

Whether you’re a first-timer or a frequent sushi connoisseur, it is advisable to order wisely and observe proper dining etiquette at Japanese restaurants.


(Source: 21 Things You Should Know About Japanese Food, Ever in Transit, March 19, 2014)

Healthy Sushi Options Offered by Japanese Restaurants in Sacramento

It is no secret that fish and other seafood are some of the healthiest food on the planet. In fact, many nutritional experts recommend eating a portion (roughly 140 grams) of fish at least twice a week. Other experts even recommend eating up to a maximum of four portions.

Japanese restaurants in Sacramento like Mikuni Sushi offer customers a wide variety of seafood in the form of sushi and sashimi. Although all the seafood options in Japanese restaurants are healthy, the healthiest options include:


Uni is the Japanese term for sea urchin. Although its unflattering appearance and slimy texture might deter people who do not regularly eat sushi, connoisseurs will absolutely love uni’s rich and creamy flavor. According to an article from Live Strong, sea urchin meat also provides a host of health benefits for people who are on a diet:

Sea urchin sushi is low in calories, with about 34 calories per ounce. This makes it lower in calories than other types of sushi, such as sushi made with salmon, albacore tuna or mackerel…

… Each ounce has just 1.1 grams of fat, which is the most energy-dense nutrient with nine calories per gram…

Another health benefit of sea urchin sushi is that it derives most of its calories from protein. Each ounce of sea urchin sushi contains 3.2 grams of protein, which is more than half of what an egg contains. Protein is an essential nutrient that provides your body with amino acids, the building blocks of muscle.

Albacore Tuna

Albacore tuna meat is often white in color, which makes it stand out when compared to other types of tuna. It has a very soft and buttery texture and has a milder taste than what Bluefin tuna consumers are used to. This tuna is also low in fat and has a very low mercury contamination rate.


Salmon is one of the most commonly used fish by reputable Sacramento restaurants for sushi and sashimi—a very good thing for those looking for healthy sushi. Salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids that significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to help improve eyesight.


(Source: Health Benefits for Sea Urchin Sushi; Live Strong)

Japanese Restaurants in Sacramento: Tasty, Simple Fare

An article on the Japan Times dated December 5, 2013 unveils UNESCO’s recent induction of Japanese cuisine to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritages. Being one of the most popular cuisines in the world, Japanese food translates well into the palates of many countries due to its simplicity and attention to freshness. The article reveals some interesting insights:

The survey of popular foreign food found Japanese food and Japanese-style restaurants at the top of the list, with 83.8 percent of the respondents saying it’s among their favorites. Chinese food followed at 65.0 percent and Italian at 59.5 percent, with those surveyed allowed to name more than one style.

Asked why they eat at Japanese restaurants, 25.4 percent cited “good taste,” followed by 13.7 percent who cited preparation and 11.8 cited atmosphere and style. Taste was cited by 37.7 percent of South Korean respondents, which was the highest ratio, followed by U.S. respondents (26.6 percent) and French (26.2 percent).

There’s no denying the strong appeal and delectability of Japanese food, and many Americans agree. Whether you prefer tempura, sushi, or sashimi, there’s sure to be a Japanese dish for even the most discerning taste buds. Folks who want to sample genuine Japanese restaurants in Sacramento should try the trendier establishments such as Mikuni.

Japanese food prides itself with its use of only the freshest ingredients; in particular, Japanese chefs work only with locally sourced ingredients as much as possible. Thus, while Japanese restaurants outside of Japan will use non-traditional ingredients, the spirit and palatability of freshness remains intact. To experience this healthy way of eating, locals will have to carefully choose from among the critically-acclaimed Sacramento restaurants.


(Source: UNESCO honor gives traditional fare boost, japantimes.co.jp, December 5, 2013)

Restaurants in Sacramento to Support the Cause of a Chosen Charity


Mikuni, one of the best restaurants in Sacramento, is going to make a donation to one charitable organization. Make your choice now and the Mikuni Charitable Foundation will support it.

  • Until January 31 only

Kindness is doing what you can with what you’ve got.

Recent data from the National Center for Charitable Statistics reports that there are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States. When you’re looking to support a charitable organization, you have many to choose from. Even if you’re looking to help out, sometimes funds are limited and help is necessary to achieve your goal. This is where the best restaurants in Sacramento like Mikuni Sushi can help.

To show our utmost gratitude for 25 years of patronage, the Mikuni Charitable Foundation (MCF) will randomly choose a charitable institution to support, and we need your help to make the choice. All you need to do is to nominate your institution of choice either via our Mikuni branches, by email, or through Facebook or Twitter. By the end of the event, the MCF will randomly pick from your nominees and make a donation to one lucky institution.

For a charitable organization to qualify for this event, it must be duly registered under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, the institution must be categorized under this provision for at least three years. You can visit any of our restaurants in Sacramento, Roseville, Fair Oaks or Davis now, or go to MikuniSushi.com for more details.

Nominate a charity until January 31, 2014.

  • Nomination period is until January 31, 2014 only
  • Nominee must be registered as a 501(c)(3) organization, as per the Internal Revenue Code, for three years or more
  • Modes of nomination are through Mikuni restaurant servers, email, Facebook, or Twitter
  • Mikuni Charitable Foundation will randomly choose a winner from among the nominees

Commonly Used Fish for Sushi in Japanese Restaurants in Sacramento

Japan enjoys having one of the lowest heart disease rates in the world. Researchers were so curious as to how the Japanese avoided heart disease that they conducted a study into the matter back in 2008. The following excerpt from Science Daily summarizes the results of the study:


The research, published in the August 5, 2008, issue of Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), suggests that the protection comes from omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in oily fish. In the first international study of its kind, researchers found that compared to middle-aged white men or Japanese-American men living in the United States, Japanese men living in Japan had twice the blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids—a finding that was independently linked to low levels of atherosclerosis.

Japanese people eat about 3 ounces of fish daily, on average, while typical Americans eat fish perhaps twice a week. Nutritional studies show that the intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish averages 1.3 grams per day in Japan, as compared to 0.2 grams per day in the United States.

Japanese cuisine heavily revolves around the use of oily, fatty fish in its dishes, which is the reason for omega-3 fatty acid levels of people living in Japan. Some of the most commonly used fish in Japanese cuisine include:

Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna is one of the most sought-after fish in the world because of its elite flavor and texture. In fact, top-grade bluefin tuna has been known to sell for thousands of dollars in Japan’s iconic Tsukiji market during the New Year. According to experts, bluefin tuna can grow up to 10 feet long and nearly 1,500 pounds.


Also known as Japanese yellowtail, Hamachi is a fish known for its bold, tangy flavor and buttery texture. Japanese restaurants in Sacramento often use Hamachi in sushi and various rolls.


Salmon is well-known for having high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart disease. The fact that salmon meat also owns a distinct peach color and rich taste makes it one of the best options for sashimi, especially when prepared fresh.

Fortunately, people do not need to go to Japan to gain the health benefits of its dishes. Many Sacramento restaurants such as Mikuni Sushi serve a wide range of authentic and fusion Japanese dishes that can please any palate. With more studies showing the health benefits of eating more fish, treat your heart (and taste buds) to the top fish in Japanese cuisine.

(Article Excerpt and Image fromJapanese Diet Rich In Fish May Hold Secret To Healthy Heart: Omega-3 Fatty Acids From Fish Appear To Prevent Clogged Arteries, Science Daily, July 29, 2008)